Thursday, April 9, 2020

How Anarchy Crushes the Order!

While the fools, idiots, stupid start dominating. They start indulging in persecuting & repressing the hapless, the poor and the wise. That starts creating the systemic anarchy, because whatever advancement has been achieved till date, is based on very nuanced & fine balance built in the system both within & without over long period of time painstakingly.

In summary, whatever progress, peace, prosperity which are built are on the basis of very fine & fragile systemic arrangement over a period through the wise & visionary leaders through systems & processes.

But systemic anarchy, viruses, natural forces, ... are so dominant & rapid they crush the development, advancement and progress of centuries within days and even within minutes. And the powerful idiots create conducive environment for Anarchy to set in,  unwittingly in their greed to grab wealth & absolute power.  In my humble view, this mechanism of nature was weakly & vaguely captured in Theory of Anarchy. While Chaos Theory tries to explain the causes, connections & correlations leading to anarchy.

All the great civilizations which were painstakingly built over a period of centuries were demolished almost overnight due to the single blow of Anarchy, our own Mohenjodaro Harappa civilization is no exception to the rule. Though our limited collective knowledge & wisdom hasn't figured out how till date.

When we hand over power to the stupid idiots just because we like them and think they safeguard us, we need not be afraid of God but let's be afraid of the looming Anarchy. The choice lies with us.

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