Saturday, March 27, 2021

Serendipity Mindset: The Primer to the Sixth Sense of Smart Luck!

Serendipity is mostly given a passing, rather a fleeting, reference while analysing any success, achievement or accomplishment. But in reality, serendipity determines the course of it! In the current scenario, wherein emerging technologies & trends, and their dynamic collisions are leading to the second and further order chaos, which are getting accentuated by the once in a century disaster affecting the whole humanity! This book comes at the most opportune time. I wish I should have read it earlier!

The author, Dr. Christian Busch does an eminent job in defining Serendipity Mindset ground up. Serendipity isn't just a plain luck as the most would believe. Only the well prepared & highly competent & capable minds can identify & snatch the humongous opportunities from the jaws of the seemingly hopeless disasters. Serendipity Mindset is tenacity & sagacity applied to the chance luck! Thus Serendipity Mindset looks forward and finds lucky chances and converts them into great successes, through tenacity, sagacity and persistence. 

This book is made deliberately more accessible to the large audience, the masses, peppered with anecdotes, initially. As the reader reaches the end of the book, it stresses & addresses deeper aspects of mechanics and dynamics of the Serendipity Mindset. Given the embryonic state of the study on Serendipity, the author has laid the foundation for the momentous movement forming ahead of us!

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