Tuesday, November 29, 2011

'Switch' to effect a change faster & better!

Found the book to be interesting!

Chip and Dan Heath have approached change management from refreshingly new positive approach. The book, based on multiple books, comes out with practical solutions. The book's essence can be captured in one sentence: 'Complex problems, simple solutions'. The human tendency is to search for complex solutions for even simple problems is something we have experienced. We have also seen many smart people have succeeded by addressing complex problems with simple solutions. The book tries to help the readers to be smarter!

They have come out with the following model to achieve the desired success:
1. Direct the Rider (The 'Rider' here is our 'Rational' mind)
2. Motivate the Elephant (The 'Elephant' here is our 'Emotional' mind)
3. Shape the Path (Define the 'How's of Change)

Under 'Direct the Rider', one of the suggestions is to look at Bright Spots, while solving problems. This is substantiated by an inspiring story about a volunteer, who helped in alleviating children's malnutrition problems in Vietnam in 90s. He also shares a case study of an NGO, which ensured better health standards through setting precise goals and facilitating through out! The authors further provide two more case studies. One about how a community in US was rejuvenated by identifying Critical Moves and being Precise in Implementable recommendations (Clarity). The other one is about how violently abusive parents were reformed  by offering them clear demonstrable instructions. The results were better off compared to usual 'anger management' sessions they had to attend! There's a case study of 'food pyramid' campaign which went all wrong! The rider has tendency to 'spin the wheels', which we need to be beware of!

Through multiple examples, the authors come out with refreshing and highly effective tools and techniques to handle change management. That too in a jiffy,... like a switch! What's more they also have a website!

The authors have subdivided the above steps further. For each of those sub-steps, there are numerous examples and case studies. I am finding the book highly beneficial.

I liked the book so much. I also heard Vinod Khosla recommending 'Made to Stick' by the same authors. I am going for that book too!

Made to Stick! - One of the best books on Effective Communication!

The Heath brothers are so great in helping the readers to understand the psychological or/and emotional insight in communication and change management; I curse myself for not reading their books earlier.

This book was recommended by Mr. Vinod Khosla in the recently held NASSCOM Product Conclave (2011) in Bangalore. The book is worth reading. It is more beneficial for the people with a very rational  background (read the people with Engg., Science, Account backgrounds amongst others!)

Probably, the idea of writing the book shaped after the success of their favorite author (mine too) Malcolm Gladwell's Tipping Point. The book takes off from Tipping Point. Where as, Tipping Point happens as the Right Person, Right Context and the Right Idea converge! This book is about the Right Idea to be handled in the right manner to accelerate the journey towards the Tipping Point!

The book takes off from an urban myth of kidney theft and contrasts with the facts. The facts need to be communicated across but fail miserably to reach the intended audience effectively.

The brothers smartly identify 6 traits of great communication of  ideas, succinctly put as follows; Simple, Unpredictable, Concrete, Credible, Emotional Story (the mnemonic: SUCCESs!)

The book is peppered with numerous interesting stories while communicating the intended facts about the simple ideas behind to make them stick. I found the book highly entertaining. Meanwhile, the book succeeds in turning the reader highly effective! In a way, they are offering crash course on psychological/emotional aspects through their books.

In the chapter on 'Simple', the authors offer the following tips;
- Commander's Intent (CI) needs to be conveyed
- South West Airlines (SWA)'s simple dictum of 'The Cheapest Airlines' is emphasized with an example of the decision on Chicken Salad for a sector
- 'It's Economy, Stupid' of Clinton's Campaign is used to illustrate the power of choosing the core
- The authors' take is that even if 1 or 2 alternatives are available, decision makers face Analysis Paralysis. Thankfully, if the core is defined, deciding for core increases the moment the alternative choices increase! Hence, the Analysis Paralysis is taken care of just by defining a single core!
- Under the Proverbs, since they already exist, 'A bird in hand... is used to illustrate
- Corvent's quote ' Short
- Visual Proverb for Palm PDA development
- Schema explained through an example of Pamelo(?) a grapefruit like fruit!
- High Concept Pitch for movie makers Egs: Alien/s= Jaws on spaceship, Speed= Die Hard on boat
- Simple = Profound and Compact

Under 'Unexpected'
- Surprise and sustaining Interest are the keys
- Enclave vehicle ad is a good example on the impact of surprise
- Uncommon Sense is explained through 'Nordies' obsession for Customer Service egs: Gift wrapping the competitor's products, ironing the customer's shirt!
-Knowledge Gap Theory
- How2Beat Overconfidence - Make them to commit before revealing!
- More knowledge - Better realization of gap and interest to fill the gap!
- Sony's Pocketable Radio in1955, while Radios were like furniture! This also leads to another insight! Follow a lead where the inventors themselves are skeptical!
- JFK's dream of man on moon!
- Doable yet distant!

Under 'Concrete'
- Provides the example of how Kaplan turned pitching session with Mr. Vinod Khosla into brainstorming (later got funding) by using a folder to give an idea on Go Computing! No wonder, Mr. Khosla referred the book!

Under 'Credible'
- Sinatra Test explained using Safexpress from India as an example.
- Explains 'Semantic Stretch' using how 'Theory of Relativity' got stretched beyond recognition losing the punch! through a critic on Roshoman by Akiro Kurosova!
- Gives an example of remedy for Semantic Stretch by replacing 'Sportsmanship' with Honour of the Game'!
- Looks like, credibility is added to create copy in SUCCESs mnemonic!

Under 'Emotional'
- Emotional appeal is the core of the message.
- The chapter takes off with Mother Teresa's quote on helping individuals.
- Explores Maslow's hierarchy of needs to reveal that it's not a hierarchy because the needs are to be satisfied together in parallel. That's a belief too! I see them as co-centric circles which need to be addressed based on individual intrinsic disposition at specific instances! I can see the resonance in an interview of the author of Poor Economy, who said that the poorest not only satisfy their hunger; they spend on entertainment  and education of their kids!

Under 'Story'
- Gives very sticky story of Jared who lost more than 100 pounds by having Subway diet in 1999 and the campaign!
- Also re-affirms the strength of the SUCCESs framework for identifying/creating sticky message!

Under the 'Epilogue'
- The authors draw conclusions and also reveal the framework of communication
- The chapter takes off with unintended sticky ideas 'Nice people come last' and 'Elementary, My Dear Watson!' The authors urge the readers to focus on core of what sticks and if it's better than the idea itself, that's great!
- The Curse of Knowledge affects many bright managers to focus on data than the underlying cores.
- The authors reveal dichotomy between 'Having Answers' and 'Telling Others'.
The ones with the Answers are not necessarily good at 'Telling Others'!
- The chapter also covers Purple Promises of FedEx and CHIFF acronym from a toy company!
- The authors also talk about JFK's Man on the Moon mission and the charisma of JFK is an exception rather than the prerequisite of a sticky idea!

The authors are great communicators and they share their secrets through the Simple Unpredictable Concrete, Credible, Emotional Stories! This book needs to be read by managers. It clearly fills the gap of effective books on communication. Highly recommended.

The expanded version has an afterthought chapter too. The chapter covers specific cases of employee communication, communication in teaching....

And the authors finish off the book with a very helpful summary!