Sunday, July 19, 2020

Orangutan in Tuxedo & Paper Leviathan ...!

Daron Acemoglu & James Robinson have done extensive & exhaustive study of almost all the nations of the world. Their insightful & incisive study covers anthropological, societal, political and Economical aspects of these nations to come out with very interesting discoveries!

The study covers American, African & Asian continents and Russia with the exception of Japan, Korea and Canada. They come with the interesting descriptions about the state of the nations: Orangutan in Tuxedo and Paper Leviathan! The whole picture of different state of the nations, including India clearly shows that they are torn between the respective Cages of Norms and Weakened and Misdirected and almost lost Leviathans! In my view, it looks very natural, being in India! The Leviathan of Law of the States, the authors propose seems natural for the authors, is very obvious because they have experienced it through a couple of centuries! 
But most of the nations covered in the study have the natives still stuck in their respective Cages of Norms for millennia. Though these natives were subjected to largely European colonials' Leviathans of the Laws very extensively in patchy manner, wherever they could be overlapped. This point is clearly perceptible in terms of education level of the natives and the reach of the institutions of Laws of the States in these respective nations. 
In a rare incidence of Costerica's progress into the Narrow Corridor. In such cases, the highly evolved State & Society can broaden the corridor depending on the dynamic interactions of their respective competence, capabilities and common goals & objectives. The study by the authors suggests that Costerica also has progressed into egalitarian and equitable Economy. As per the study it's attributed to Costerica's founding leader's approach in providing the public land to most of the citizens and keeping smaller military paraphernalia. 

In fact, when we take a look at various kingdoms in India prior to our independence, those kingdoms had reached different points both within the Narrow Corridor and without.

In fact, the current Covid Crisis is throwing an interesting picture about various nations. Most of the nations haven't risen up to the challenge except for a few countries like Germany, South Korea and interestingly China (For which, one may attribute the success (real or fabricated) to highly controlled & censored communication with the external world.). In a way, the current crisis gives a stark image of different nations with the requisite contrast to differentiate between the failed States! In my view, it also throws the light on WHO mainly, and other global institutions, in their preparedness and effectiveness.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Evolution of the States & Economies


On my own quest to understand the evolution of humanity, I have been looking for the literature which can throw light on evolution of politics and economies. Though I have come across many books which provide history of different countries, continents, states ... over centuries and millennia, none of them could provide comprehensive perspective. 

Then, recently I came across The Narrow Corridor authored by Daron Acemoglu & James Robinson. I wasn't sure about the book providing the insights into evolution of the States & Economies. The book takes off with the conflicts in Middle East and Africa. In the beginning of the him itself, the authors propose the idea of The Narrow Corridor where the societies evolve from Cage of Norms to Leviathans of Despotic Overlords, Kings or Emperors, who get Shackled by either the Societal Norms or Laws to enter into peaceful reign to deliver Economic progress.

The book takes us through different nations at different times to show how exactly some nations have entered into the Narrow Corridor and are reaping the benefits of highly developed Economies over the centuries. The study by authors is unique in the sense that they bring anthropological perspective to delineate the evolution of societies and consequently the respective Economies. 

If their findings about the mechanics and dynamics of the evolution of societies and Economies is correct, then we have access to the right tools and solutions to help the nations and their respective Economies to succeed. Though it is almost impossible to implement the right tools and solutions to deliver the right results for the nations; at least, we have the right toolchest handy. 

Sunday, July 5, 2020

The Quest Continues Beyond Range!

Recently, I went through David Epstein's Range: Why Generalists Triumph .... He takes us through the excitingly meandering course to conclude with a very illustrative graphic image of the quest for the ultimate truth and the most optimum solutions for the betterment of the ecosystem around. Every super specialist takes a deep dive into his superduper speciality 'trench' and thus loses sight of the other trenches. In addition, largely, the ecosystem around us also appreciates & encourages this kind of trench digging and dwelling! It takes the exceptionally intelligent to persevere through the ecosystem to seek the ultimate truth and solutions. 

When we take deeply penetrating look at human evolution, especially through Renaissance, Enlightenment, Scientific Revolution, Industrial Revolution ... all the way to today and beyond, we notice that such deep dives into the trenches actually lead the seekers to the adjoining trenches once they reach certain depths.

For the large masses, who constitute the majority, it is natural that they seek specialization to serve their immediate needs. The institutions, systems and processes around us cater to such needs of the majority. Then, there are also enough constraints on the ecosystem to optimize its resources.

The exceptional seekers persevere through the ecosystem around them and still deliver the innovations which benefit the humanity for generations to come, exponentially! Shakespeare, Leonardo da Vinci, Michael Angelo, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, ... represent such rare individuals.

So the challenge is in identifying such rare personalities and nurture them.